Yesterday saw day one of two days of preparing for slab! The tradies don't seem to mind us checking in and out and taking lots of photos. There were four onsite and I expect as many today.
Yesterday these guys were up at 5am to be onsite for a 7am start, and it was really hot too. They suggested slab on Friday or Monday.
Who would have thought there is so much involved in the preparation of a site to build a house on - and none of it ever gets seen!
The roll of black plastic has been used today to cover the gravel (is that what its called?) I will get some pics later on today when I take the kids down after school.
This is along the side with the biggest gap between house and fence! It will be about 1.8m when finished!
UPDATE: the SS called John this morning to tell him that the slab is booked for tomorrow morning at 7 am! Weather depending.......of course for the first time in weeks it's raining today! They were still working today, laying plastic and rio over it! So not enough rain to stop work today.
Also he was ordering our frames today!
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